Here is just another cute picture of Meg that I took over the weekend. Don't let her dresses and bows fool you. Sometimes we think she is a boy trapped in a girl's body. She is tough and rough and hilarious. Maybe she will be like me in that I didn't mind getting dirty, but I made sure my shoes and bow matched my outfit.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Random Happenings
Here is just another cute picture of Meg that I took over the weekend. Don't let her dresses and bows fool you. Sometimes we think she is a boy trapped in a girl's body. She is tough and rough and hilarious. Maybe she will be like me in that I didn't mind getting dirty, but I made sure my shoes and bow matched my outfit.
A fresh look!
Monday, August 18, 2008
My Sunshine
If only it were cute for 28 year olds to have their belly hanging over the bikini bottoms!
I just can't believe how much she talks at just under 14 months. We can't even count the words that she says anymore. Even more amazing is that she uses most of them correctly. She is not just repeating them. (I am pretty sure she is the smartest girl in the world.) It seems like everyday she say something new. Today she almost poked my eye out and said, "eyezzz" and then stuck her finger in my mouth and said, "mout".
We love her more every day!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
The Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh Away
He Taketh Away.....It is with a little sadness and a lot of joy that I first have to mention the loss of my Gran gran last friday. She had struggled with Alzheimer's for almost the past decade. I much prefer knowing that she is with her God and with many who have gone before her, then living with a body and mind that have failed her. We had a wonderful weekend of family and even laughter as we told countless stories and shared so many wonderful memories. Gran gran was one of the funniest women I have ever known and she would be so glad to know that there were more laughs then tears at her memorial service. She lived 89 years and blessed countless people. She was a great warrior for The Kingdom. What a precious legacy we have because of she and my Pa pa.
The Lord Giveth.....Meg is not going to be the baby in the family for much longer. My Sister, Mallory, is expecting her third baby in the Spring....and My Cousin Jared and his wife Connie are expecting their second. I can't wait!!
I don't think that I have mentioned that Mallory and her family recently moved back to Edmond. My mom used that as a good excuse to get some of our closest high school friends together for a luncheon. We had a great time catching up. I didn't get a lot of good pictures. I was busy keeping Meg from breaking anything in the tea room. These were from before everyone arrived.
As you can see....Meg loved the cream puffs for dessert.
I have been taking more videos then pictures since Meg has become mobile and vocal. It is hard to capture in photos. She keeps me laughing every day. You never know what she will say or do. Here are a couple of my favorites. It was hard to decide which ones to share. I still need to post one of her walking. I will try to do that next time.
I think you can tell by the videos and these next pictures that her new favorite thing to do is read. I am so glad. I pray that she will always like to read. I can't take credit though. She will definately inherit that from her Dad. She loves to sit in this little chair. She says "". Chad said he thought she was stuck in the chair the other day, because she never sits still this long.
This is just a funny picture showing off her 4 teeth. I think she was trying to play peek-a-boo.