Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Ride

Disclaimer: This was a DADDY DAY. Pay no attention to her hair or outfit!

Meg has a new ride. Chad's sister and brother-in-law got this for him and Meg for Christmas. We have not hardly seen them since Thanksgiving however, so he drove to Frisco on Saturday to pick it up. I don't know if he or Meg loves it more. He couldn't wait to load her up. (He may not appreciate me posting pictures of him in Bike Shorts.....oh well. You can see where Meg gets her skinny legs.)

Don't worry, this was just a trial run in the neighborhood. She has a helmet now to wear in the future. Not that they will EVER ride on city streets, but they will go on the Trinity Trail right behind our trail I mean paved walkway on the Trinity, for those of you not from FW.
After the ride Meg helped Dad water the flowers. She loves anything that has to do with water.

They are a pretty cute little duo. Partners in crime! Not really...Chad is a great daddy. He know when to have fun and when to keep her in line.
I have to go now. SOMEONE just woke up from her nap and is saying, "Mama.....come here.....right now." I don't know where she learned that! Fortunately she is saying it in a sweet voice, which makes me feel a little better about myself.


Warner said...

I am not able to decide if the new trailer is cooler than our new wee ride. One thing is certain though: There will be a bike race between the Missildine and Phelps family soon.

Lesley said...

Danny LOVES her!! We'll take her!

mallory said...

Love it! Her daddy and her in their element!

Tricia said...

So cute! I know Meg will cherish those times with her Daddy. Wes has one of those too and he loves taking the boys.

the smith family said...

Looks like fun! Gracie loved her bike seat! She has a cute little pink helmet too, but it doesn't fit now :( It might fit Aubrie!