Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I don't do many posts without pictures, but you will appreciate the fact that I am not posting pictures of this.......On Sunday mornings, Chad has to be at church most of the day. Meg and I usually go to late service so that she can take a nap first. We are almost to the point that her morning nap is too late to make that work; but I tried again this week, anyway. She had wet on her pajamas, but I didn't want to put on her church clothes yet. It was warm in our house (thanks to the AC Nazi....not naming names), so I just put her down in her diaper. She never fell asleep. She just played and talked in her bed for an hour. When I went to get her up (dressed and ready for church, mind you), she was standing in her crib...naked...with a big smile on her face. I laughed and said, "when did you learn to take your diaper off?". She then pointed to her diaper on the bed and said ,"Shoowee...shoowee". I picked her diaper up and said , "this isn't shoowee, this is just wet". Then I noticed a little gift that Meg had taken out of her diaper and thrown on the floor. I will leave the rest of the details to your imagination. That was probably TMI already.

Is 15 months too early to potty train?

1 comment:

Tricia said...

That is hilarious! I laughed out loud! Kids make our lives so interesting! Good luck!